The following is a list of the trams and ways to the various places of interest. The trams start from the Duomo.
St. Ambrogio (p. 256), San Vittore tram.
S. Lorenzo (p. 278), Colonne di S. Lorenzo (p. 278) and St. Eustorgio (p. 284), Porta Ticinese tram.
S. Pietro in Gessate (p. 306), Porta Vittoria tram.
S. Maria della Passione (p. 326). Piazza Monforte tram is the nearest. Alighting at Via S. Damiano, you pass by the garden of Pal. Visconti di Modrone (p. 334) on the way to the church.
Ospedale Maggiore (p. 308), Porta Romana tram. Alight at S. Nazaro.
396Museo Poldi-Pezzoli in Via Morone (p. 352) is quickly reached on foot from the Duomo by Corso Vittoria Emanuele and Via S. Paolo.
S. Satiro (p. 318), in Via Torino, is two or three minutes on foot from the Duomo.
Biblioteca Ambrosiana (p. 359) and S. Sepolcro (p. 295) are also quickly reached by Via Torino and Via Spadari (on right).
Pal. Borromeo (pp. 302 and 365) is reached from Piazza Cordusio by Via del Bocchetto.
The Castello (p. 368) is a few minutes’ walk by Via Mercanti (Pal. della Ragione (p. 296) and Piazza dei Mercanti on the left) and Via Dante. Many trams go in that direction from the Duomo or Piazza Cordusio.
There are frequent trains from the Stazione Centrale for the Certosa of Pavia (30 to 40 min.), Chiaravalle (11 min.) and Monza (15 min.). Monza may also be tediously reached by steam-tram from the Duomo.
- A
- Adelmano, 18
- Adeodatus, 11
- Agostino di Duccio, 385
- Albero, the, 244
- Albertinelli, Mariotto, 355
- Alessi, Gal., 330
- Alexander II., Pope, 30, 32, 33
- —— VI., Pope, 168, 179, 187
- Alypius, 11
- Amadeo, Gio. Ant., 213, 214, 231, 245, 250, 385, 386
- ——, Guglia di, 250
- Ambrogio da Fossano (see Borgognone)
- Ambrose, St., 8;
- Angilberto, Archbishop, 16, 259
- Anguissola, Sophonisba, 357
- Annovello da Imbonate, 275
- Anselmo da Baggio, 29-32 (see also Alexander II.)
- Ansperto, Archbishop, 16, 17, 259, 274
- Antelami, Benedetto, 298
- Antonello da Messina, 366, 389
- Appiani, Andrea, 335
- Aragon, Alfonso of, King of Naples, 124, 127;
- Arialdo, 30, 31, 33
- Ariberto, Archbishop, 18-25
- Averulino, Ant. (see Filarete)
- Augustine, St., 10, 11
- Ausonius, 7
- Auxentius, 8
- B
- Bambaia, il, 214, 215, 234, 240, 243, 245, 386
- Bandello, Fra Matteo, 201, 317, 324
- Barbavara, Francesco, 117
- Barnabas, St., 7
- Bartolommeo Veneto, 336
- Bassano, il, 389
- Bassi, Martino, 279
- Beatrice, Empress, 50, 51, 55
- Bellincione, Bernardo, 161
- Bellini, Gentile, 339
- ——, Gian, 341, 367
- Bembo, Bonifazio, 215, 384
- ——, Pietro, 359
- Bentivoglio, Alessandra, 323, 326
- ——, Alessandro, 320
- Bernard, St., 35
- Bernardino da Corte, 182, 183, 379
- Bertolino da Novara, 229
- Biblioteca Ambrosiana, 359-65
- —— Pinacoteca, 361-365
- Museo Settala, 361
- Bicocca, La, battle of, 193
- Boltraffio, 221, 325, 345, 346, 358, 365, 366, 389
- Bonaparte, Napoleon, 225;
- statue of, 335
- Bonifazio Veronese, 339
- Bonsignore, 357
- Bordone, Paris, 327, 338
- Borgia, Lucrezia, 359
- Borgognone, 218, 219, 273, 274, 275, 295, 325, 327, 336, 344, 345, 388
- 398Borromeo, Carlo, Cardinal and Saint, 39, 205-207, 215, 231, 247;
- tomb of, 241
- ——, Federigo, Cardinal, 215, 359
- Botticelli, 353, 362
- Bourbon, Constable de, 193, 194, 196
- Bramante, 156, 162, 211, 231, 276, 277, 313, 318-320, 350, 378, 391
- Bramantino, 220, 290, 336, 344, 346, 358, 365, 387
- Brera, Biblioteca, di, 335
- ——, Pinacoteca, di, 335-51
- Briosco, Benedetto, 212, 213, 214, 288
- ——, Francesco, 294
- Brunelleschi, 121, 211
- Burigozzo, 199, 200, 203, 205
- Busca, Gabrio, 215
- Bussolari, Fra Giacomo de, 101
- Busti, Agostino (see Bambaia, il)
- Buttinone, Bernardo, 218, 307, 343, 388
- C
- Caiazzo, Conte di, 181
- Cambrai, Peace of, 197
- Camelli, Ant. (il Pistoia), 161, 171, 173
- Campi, the, 223;
- Campione, Masters of, 210, 245, 383, 384
- ——, Bonino da, 229, 383, 384
- ——, Giacomo da, 241, 244
- ——, Maffiolo da, 229
- ——, Marco da, 229
- ——, Zeno da, 229
- Campo Fregoso, Ant. di, 161
- Canaletto, 343
- Cane, Facino, 117, 118
- Canova, 335
- Caponi, Rafaello, 353
- Caradosso, 162, 216, 319, 320
- Cariani, 338, 357, 389
- Carmagnola, 120, 122, 328
- Carpaccio, 339
- Castle of Milan, 119, 127, 130, 145, 150, 182, 183, 185, 191, 192, 196, 368-382;
- Art Collections in, 382-391
- Castruccio, 91
- Catharists, the, 28, 29
- Cazzaniga, the, 214, 288, 312
- Cazzaniga, Tommaso da, 234, 385
- Cellant, Contessa di, 324
- Cesare da Sesto, 221, 344
- Charlemagne, 15
- Charles the Bald, 17
- —— of Bohemia, 100
- —— VIII. of France, 170, 172, 173, 175, 179
- —— V., Emperor, 193, 195, 196, 197, 198, 203
- Chrysoloras, Emanuel, 112
- Cima, 339, 343
- Civerchio, 343
- Clement VI., Pope, 97
- —— VII., Pope, 195, 197
- Conrad the Salic, Emperor, 19, 20, 21, 22
- Constance, Peace of, 55
- Constance of Sicily, 55, 257
- Constantine, Emperor, 5, 7
- Conti, Bernardino dei, 221, 222, 365
- Correggio (Antonio Allegri), 348, 367, 389
- Cortenuova, Battle of, 59
- Cossa, Francesco, 348
- Costa, Lorenzo, 348
- Crespi, Daniele, 223
- Cristina of Sweden, 203
- Crivelli, Carlo, 341, 342, 343, 357, 389
- ——, Lucrezia, 160
- D
- Dal Verme, Jacopo, 110, 122
- D’Amboise, Charles, 190
- Decembrio, Pier Candido, 121, 265
- De Foix, Gaston, 190, 244;
- statue of, 386
- De Lautrec, Sieur, 193
- De Leyva, 196, 197
- De Predis, Ambrogio, 219, 220, 346, 358
- Desio, battle of, 75
- Diocletian, Emperor, 5, 6
- Dolcebuono, Gio., 212, 214, 231, 320, 327
- Dosso Dossi, 347
- Duomo, the, 11, 199, 112, 324-253
- E
- Enzo, King of Sardinia, 60
- Erlembaldo da Cotta, 32, 33, 34
- 399Este, da, Beatrice (Visconte), 77, 78
- ——, Beatrice (wife of Tristan Sforza), 149
- ——, Beatrice (wife of Lodovico il Moro), 158, 162, 163, 164, 165, 167, 173, 176, 177, 178, 374, 377, 378;
- Niccolò III., 125
- Eugenius IV., Pope, 124
- Eusebio di San Giorgio, 350
- Eustachio, Filippo, 150
- Eustorgio, St., 284
- Ezzelino da Romano, 67, 69
- F
- Fancelli, Luca, 231
- Fernach, Hans von, 241
- Ferrari, Gaudenzio, 222, 274, 312, 327, 337, 344, 346, 365
- ——, Defendente, 343
- Fiesca, Elisabetta della, 96
- Filarete, 211, 308, 370
- Filelfo, 133, 136
- Fogolino Marco, 357
- Foppa, Ambrogio (see Caradosso)
- ——, Vincenzo, 217, 218, 292, 336, 345, 358, 388, 390
- Francesco di Giorgio, 231
- Francia, 348
- Francis I. of France, 192, 194, 195, 197, 380
- Frederick I., Barbarossa, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49;
- Frederick II., Emperor, 56, 59, 60
- Fusina, Andrea, 215, 234, 306, 386
- G
- Gadio, Bart., 140, 370
- Gallerani, Cecilia, 160, 164, 201, 328
- Gentile da Fabriano, 351
- Gervasio, S., 7, 11, 256, 259, 273
- Gianpietrino, 221, 295, 344, 358, 365, 388
- Giovanni di Balduccio, 210, 290, 292, 293
- —— da Milano, 216
- —— da Murano, 343
- Gmünd, Heinrich von, 236
- Grassi, dei, the, 229; Porrino, 241
- Gregorio da Montelungo, 60
- Gregory VII., Pope, 26, 34, 35, 42
- Guardi, 343
- Guido, Archbishop, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
- Guitelmo, Mastro, 50
- H
- Hawkwood, Sir John, 101, 102
- Henry III., Emperor, 24, 29
- —— VI., King of the Romans, 55, 257
- —— VII., Emperor, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 258
- Hildebrand, 26, 30, 31, 32 (see also Gregory VII.)
- I
- Isacco da Imbonate, 243, 244
- J
- Jacopino da Tradate, 211, 243
- Julius, II., Pope, 187, 190, 191, 283
- Justina, Empress, 8, 9, 11
- L
- Lampugnano, Gio. Ant., 143, 145, 146
- Lando, Count, 100
- Landolfo da Cotta, 30
- Lanino, Bernardino, 223, 274, 337
- Lanzone, 24, 25
- Legnano, Battle of, 54, 55
- Leo X. Pope, 193
- Leonardo da Vinci, 154, 156, 158, 159, 160, 162, 179, 211, 214, 219, 231, 313, 315, 316, 317, 318, 374, 378, 380
- Leone da Perego, Fra, 41, 60, 66, 67, 68
- Leoni, Leone, 240, 333
- Liberale da Verona, 339
- Licinio, Bernardino, 389
- Liprando di San Paolo, 33
- Loggia degli Osii, 298, 299
- 400Lombard League, the, 53, 54, 56
- Lotto, Lorenzo, 340, 357, 366, 367, 389, 390
- Louis of Bavaria, Emperor, 89, 90, 91
- —— XII. of France, claim on Milan, 171, 179;
- Luini, Bernardino, 222, 304, 312, 313, 320, 323, 324, 327, 337, 345, 358, 361, 366, 388
- M
- Maestro di San Tommaso, 385
- Maino, Agnese del, 121, 133
- Mantegazza, Cristoforo and Antonio, 212, 213, 385
- Mantegna, Andrea, 341, 342, 356, 366
- Marco d’ Oggiono, 221, 222, 337, 346
- Margaret of Brabant, Empress, 258
- Marliano, Vincenzo, 119, 369
- Matteo da Civate, 216
- Maximian, Emperor, 5, 7
- Maximilian, Emperor, 158, 169, 181
- Mazzola, Filippo, 365
- Medici, Cosimo dei, 134;
- Melegnano (Marignano), Battle of, 192
- Melzi, Francesco, 221, 222
- Merula, Giorgio, 328
- Michelino da Besozzo, 217, 240, 304
- Michelozzo, Michele, 211, 285, 291, 292
- Mignot, Jean, 229
- Monica, St., 10
- Montagna, Bart., 338
- Montana, Cola, 143
- Montorfano, Gio., 306, 317, 318, 384
- Moretto, 327, 338, 388
- Morone, Domenico, 367
- ——, Girolamo, 192, 195
- Moroni, G. B., 338, 389
- N
- Naples, King of (see Aragon)
- Naviglio, the, 154, 284
- Niccolò da Correggio, 162
- —— Foligno, 351, 356
- Novara, Battle of, 186;
- defeat of the French at, 192
- O
- Oberto da Pellavicino, 68, 75
- Oldrado da Tresseno, 298
- Olgiati, Girolamo, 143, 144, 145, 146
- Orleans, Duke of, 116
- Orombello, Michele, 120
- Orsenigo, Simone, 229
- Ospedale Maggiore, 308, 309
- Ossona, Gio., 128
- Otho the Great, 18, 257
- Ottobello da Mandello, 60
- P
- Pacchiarotti, 350
- Pallavicino, Gio. Francesco, 150
- ——, Antonio Maria, 180
- Palazzo Arcivescovile, 255, 333
- —— Borromeo, 302, 303, 304
- —— Carmagnola, 328
- —— Castani, 329
- —— Chierici, 333
- —— Dal Verme, 330
- —— dei Giurisconsulti, 333
- —— della Ragione, 296, 297, 298, 300, 301
- —— Fontana, or Silvestri, 328
- —— Marino, 330
- —— Omenoni, 333
- —— Ponti, 329
- —— Vimercati, doorway of, 307
- —— Visconti di Modrone, 33
- Palissy, Sieur de, 190, 191
- Palma Vecchio, 338
- Palmezzano, Marco 349, 356
- Patarini, the, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34.
- Pellegrini, Pellegrino, 236, 240, 241, 255, 327
- Perugino, Pietro, 156, 356
- Pescara, Marquis of, 194, 195, 196
- Pesellino, Francesco, 355
- Peter Damian, 31, 32
- 401Peter of Verona (Peter Martyr), 40, 41, 66, 67, 287;
- Petrarca, Francesco, 103, 105, 106
- Piazza of Lodi, the, 223;
- Callisto, 335
- —— dei Mercanti, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301
- —— Cordusio, 297
- —— Verzieri, 309
- Piccinino, Niccolò, 123, 124, 125, 126, 243
- ——, Francesco, 126, 128, 243
- ——, Jacopo, 126, 128, 134
- Piero di Cosimo, 366
- —— dei Franceschi, 350, 356
- Pinturicchio, 366
- Pius IV., Pope, 206
- Poldi-Pezzoli, Museo, 352-359
- Pordenone, Ant., 367, 389
- Porta, della, Gian Giacomo, 215
- Porta Nuova, 301
- —— Ticinese, 280, 283
- Proccacini, 241
- Protasio, St., 7, 11, 256, 259, 273
- Pusterla, della, Francesco, 95;
- R
- Raphael, 349, 362, 363
- Ravenna, Battle of, 190
- Riario, Card. Pietro, 371
- Ricchini, 280
- Rizzo, Antonio, 234
- Roberti, Ercole dei, 348
- Romano, Gian Cristoforo, 163
- Rondinelli, 349
- Rosa, Salvator, 351
- S
- Salai, 221, 222
- San Secondo, Jacopo di, 163
- San Severino, Roberto di, 148, 151
- ——, Galeazzo di, 162, 163, 180, 181, 184, 186, 195, 380
- ——, Gaspare di (Fracasso), 180
- Sano di Pietro, 366
- St. Alessandro, 328
- St. Ambrogio, Basilica of, 55, 110, 199, 256-277
- ——, Golden Altar in, 268-271
- ——, Canonica of, 276, 277
- St. Antonio, Campanile of, 302
- S. Babila, 294
- S. Calimero, 294
- S. Carlo, 328
- S. Celso, 293;
- St. Eustorgio, 284-293;
- S. Fedele, 327
- S. Giovanni alla Conca, 294
- S. Gottardo, 11, 253, 254
- S. Lorenzo, 278-280;
- Columns of, 278
- S. Marco, 296
- Sta. Maria a Beltrade, 295
- Sta. Maria del Carmine, 304
- Sta. Maria delle Grazie, 310-313
- ——, Refectory of, 313-318
- ——, Last Supper, by Leonardo, 313-317
- Sta. Maria della Passione, 326, 327
- Sta. Maria Incoronata, 305
- S. Maurizio, or Monastero Maggiore, 320, 323-326
- S. Nazaro, 294
- S. Pietro in Gessate, 306, 307
- S. Satiro, 295, 318-320
- S. Sepolcro, 295
- S. Simpliciano, 295
- S. Stefano, 309
- S. Vincenzo in Prato, 293
- Santi, Gio., 351, 358
- Savoldo Girolamo, 338
- Savoy, Bianca of, 103
- ——, Bona of, 137, 139, 148, 149, 150, 151;
- Scala, della, Can Grande, 89, 90
- Scarampi, Camilla, 201
- Seregni, Vincenzo, 215, 333
- Sforza, Anna, 158
- ——, Ascanio, Cardinal, 148, 168, 184, 185
- ——, Bianca, 363
- ——, Bianca Maria, 158
- ——, Caterina, 136
- 402——, Constanzo, 151
- ——, Francesco I., 122;
- is engaged as Condottiere by Duke Filippo, 123;
- betrothed to Bianca Maria 124;
- abandons Milan for Venice, 124, 125;
- wins Bianca Maria, 125;
- is again fighting against Milan, 126, 127;
- defeats Piccinini and besieges Milan, 128;
- is received into city and proclaimed Duke, 129;
- his character, 130, 131;
- his encouragement of learning and art, 132, 133;
- wars and foreign policy, 134;
- dies, 135, 288;
- his building of the Castle, 369, 370, 371
- ——, Francesco II., 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 198, 203, 204
- ——, Galeazzo Maria, 134;
- ——, Gian Galeazzo, 147, 150, 158, 166, 167, 168, 170, 173, 174
- ——, Gian Paolo, 204
- ——, Ippolita (Bentivoglio), 201, 323, 326
- ——, Lodovico il Moro, 134;
- banished, 148;
- his intrigues and return, 149;
- overthrows Simonetta, 150;
- makes himself regent, 151;
- his personality, 152;
- foreign policy, 153;
- improvement of the State, 154, 155;
- patronage of art and letters, 156;
- mildness, 157;
- his brilliant Court, 158, 159;
- relations with Leonardo, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165;
- instability of his position, 166;
- schemes to become Duke, 167, 168, 169;
- invites Charles VIII., 170, 171, 172, 173;
- is suspected of poisoning his nephew, 174;
- leagues against France, 175;
- his triumph and arrogance, 176;
- is crushed by death of his wife, 177, 178;
- his anxieties and difficulties, 179, 180;
- is invaded by French, 181;
- abandons Milan, 182, 183;
- returns, 184;
- his indecision and difficulties, 185;
- is captured by the French at Novara, 186, 187, 276, 373, 374, 377, 378, 379
- ——, Massimiliano, is made Duke, 191;
- ——, Ottaviano, 148
- ——, Duke of Bari, 148, 149
- Sicherius, 45, 46
- Siciliano, Angelo, 215, 244
- Signorelli, Luca, 350, 351
- Simonetta, Cecco, 140, 147, 148, 149, 150
- Sion, Cardinal de, 190, 191
- Sixtus IV., Pope, 147, 153
- Sodoma, Gio. Ant. Bazzi, il, 223, 345, 389
- Solari, or Solario, Andrea, 220, 221, 345, 357, 358;
- Spanzotto, Fra Vincenzo, 313
- Stefano dei Fedeli, 217, 384
- —— da Pandino, 243, 245
- —— da Zevio, 356
- T
- Tanzi, Francesco, 161
- Tassino, Antonio, 149, 150, 151
- Tenda, Beatrice, 118, 120
- Theodosius, Emperor, 12, 13
- Tiepolo, Pietro, 59
- ——, G. B., 333, 353
- Tintoretto, 338, 389
- Titian, 339
- Torre, della, or Torriani, the, 65
- ——, Cassone, Archbishop of Milan, 80, 82, 83
- ——, Enrico, 79
- ——, Filippo, 70, 72
- ——, Francesco, son of Guido, 84
- ——, Francesco, son of Napo, 76
- 403——, Guido, 79, 82, 83, 84
- ——, Martino, 66, 67, 68, 70, 72
- ——, Mosca, 79
- ——, Napo, 70;
- ——, Pagano, the Good, leader of the people’s faction, 66
- ——, Raimondo, 68
- ——, Simone, 84
- Trivulzio, Ambrogio, 129
- ——, Gian Giacomo, 178;
- ——, Art Collection and Library, 366
- Tura, Cosimo, 348, 356
- U
- Uberti, Fazio degli, 113
- Umiliati, Order of the, 37, 38, 39, 206
- Urban IV., Pope, 68, 69
- V
- Valentinian II., Emperor, 7, 9, 13
- Valois, Isabella de, 102, 106
- Vaprio, Battle of, 89
- Via Ticinese, 283
- Via Torino, No. 10-12, 330
- Vimercati, Gaspare, 311
- Visconti, the, 65, 69;
- ——, Azzo, 90;
- ——, Bernabò, 95, 96;
- ——, Bianca Maria (Sforza), 121, 124, 125, 133, 134, 135, 138
- ——, Carlo, 143, 145
- ——, Caterina, 107, 116, 117
- ——, Estorre, 117, 119
- ——, Filippo Maria, 116, 117;
- ——, Francesco Bernardino, 180, 183
- ——, Galeazzo I., 75, 77, 78, 79, 83, 85, 87, 88;
- ——, Galeazzo II., 95, 96;
- ——, Gaspare (poet), 161, 163
- ——, Gian Galeazzo, 102, 103, 107;
- ——, Giovanni, Archbishop, 92, 95, 96;
- ——, Giovanni Maria, succeeds to Dukedom 116, 117, 118
- ——, Lodrisio, 89, 92
- ——, Luchino, 87, 89, 91, 92, 95, 96, 98, 99
- ——, Luchino, Novello, 96
- ——, Marco, 87, 91, 92
- 404——, Matteo, il Grande, 75;
- ——, Matteo (son of Stefano), 95, 96, 100
- ——, Otto, Archbishop, 68;
- ——, Stefano, 90;
- tomb of, 289
- ——, Valentina, 116
- ——, Violante, 102, 103
- Viti, Timoteo, 351
- Vivarini, Ant., 343, 356
- Z
- Zaganelli (Cotignola), 349
- Zavatarii, the, 217
- ——, Franceschino, dei, 243
- Zenale, Bernardino, 218, 265, 273, 307
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