quarta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2021

Ludovico Luiz Albernaz, AÇORES, Cartografia, Italian town atlases by Blaeu | Universiteit Utrecht/'Toonneel der steden' van Joan Blaeu J. Blaeus grooten atlas, oft, Werelt-beschryving, in welcke 't aertryck, de zee, en hemel, wordt vertoont en beschreven, Volume: dl 8 =Spanje-Africa- - 1664-1665


https://www.uu.nl/en/utrecht-university-library-special-collections/the-treasury/maps-and-atlases-from-the-treasury/atlas-maior-by-blaeu https://objects.library.uu.nl/reader/resolver.php?obj=000979026&type=2&_ga=2.136565680.1075948643.1590918864-1736024227.1590918864 https://objects.library.uu.nl/reader/index.php?obj=1874-253589&lan=en#page//46/82/57/46825736899852615645081024992806111020.jpg/mode/thumb https://objects.library.uu.nl/reader/img.php?obj=1874-253589&img=/11/33/17/113317122839089746176602533562672421959.jpg ACHADO COMO 'Atlas maior' by Blaeu | Universiteit Utrechthttps://www.uu.nl › the-treasury › a... Traduzir esta página The 'Atlas Maior' by Blaeu is a masterpiece of the Utrecht University Library Special Collections. 'Atlas Maior' van Blaeuhttps://www.uu.nl › de-schatkamer Traduzir esta página Niet voor niets is Blaeus wereldatlas Atlas maior met zijn superieure typografie opgenomen in de Canon van Nederland. De Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht ... Maps and atlases from the Treasury | Universiteit Utrechthttps://www.uu.nl › maps-and-atlas... Traduzir esta página These maps and atlases belong to The Treasury of the Special Collections of Utrecht University ... 'Atlas maior' by Blaeu The result of a true atlas fight! Italian town atlases by Blaeu | Universiteit Utrechthttps://www.uu.nl › town-plans › it... Traduzir esta página In 1724 and 1725, he published an almost identical edition which was supplemented with the town atlas of Savoy and Piedmont. Utrecht University Library owns a ... 'Toonneel der steden' by Joan Blaeu | Universiteit Utrechthttps://www.uu.nl › town-plans › to... Traduzir esta página This resulted in the publication of the famous Atlas Maior. ... In addition the Netherlands, according to Blaeu, had been the 'only stage of the most ... Maps and atlases | Universiteit Utrechthttps://www.uu.nl › ... › Collections Traduzir esta página Here you will find an overview of the maps and atlases that are kept in Utrecht University Library. Highlighted world maps and atlases | Universiteit Utrechthttps://www.uu.nl › collections › w... Traduzir esta página Bladzijdes uit de Atlas maior van Blaeu, een topstuk uit de Bijzondere ... 1877 and 1939 The most famous school atlas in the Netherlands in text and images. Portolan map of Europe by Blaeu | Universiteit Utrechthttps://www.uu.nl › the-treasury Traduzir esta página Blaeu's portolan map of Europe is one of the masterpieces from the Utrecht University Library Special Collections.

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