segunda-feira, 2 de maio de 2022

Atlas de Joan Martines

Atlas of Joan Martines.
Other Title
Atlas de Joan Martines
This manuscript atlas by Joan Martines, cosmographer to King Philip II of Spain, dated 1587, represents the combination of two cartographic schools that existed at the time of its creation. The older one was the traditional school of Majorca, which specialized in decorative portolan maps that by this time were obsolete with regard to the geographic information they conveyed. The newer one was the cartographic school of the Low Countries, which applied Renaissance principles and used different forms of cartographic representation based on new concepts in astronomy, mathematics, and geography to produce maps containing more information than the traditional portolans. The atlas consists of 19 maps, each on two pages, with the drawings occupying nearly the length of the pages and framed by edgings of different colors. Place-names are given in Gothic letters, in red and black ink, and in Roman small capitals. There are six nautical charts, 11 regional maps, and two maps of the world, all luxuriously illuminated in colored-wash drawing, with panes of gold and silver. Most of the maps have a large compass rose showing 16 or 32 directions, and some of the maps depict ships sailing the seas.
Contributor Names
Martines, Joan, 1556--1590 Cartographer.
Created / Published
[place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], 1587.
Subject Headings
-  1587
-  Illuminations
-  Manuscript maps
-  Nautical charts
-  Portolan charts
-  World maps

Atlas de Joan Martines, 1587 by Joan Martines( Book )

21 editions published between 1587 and 2000 in 4 languages and held by 45 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Spanish:  Este atlas manuscrito de Joan Martines, cosmógrafo del rey Felipe II de España, fechado en 1587, representa la combinación de dos escuelas cartográficas que existían al momento de su creación. La más antigua era la escuela tradicional de Mallorca, especializada en mapas portuláneos decorativos que por esa época eran obsoletas con respecto a la información geográfica que transmitían. La más reciente era la escuela cartográfica de los Países Bajos, que aplicaba los principios del Renacimiento y utilizaba diferentes formas de representación cartográfica, sobre la base de nuevos conceptos en astronomía, matemática y geografía, para producir mapas que contenían más información que los portuláneos tradicionales. El atlas consta de 19 mapas, cada uno en dos páginas, con los dibujos que ocupan casi la longitud de las páginas y están enmarcados por ribetes de colores diferentes. Los topónimos están en letra gótica, en tinta roja y negra, y en pequeñas mayúsculas romanas. Hay seis cartas náuticas, 11 mapas regionales y dos mapas del mundo, todos lujosamente iluminados a la aguada, con áreas de oro y plata. La mayoría de los mapas tienen una gran rosa de los vientos que indica 16 o 32 direcciones, y algunos de los mapas muestran barcos que navegan los mares.  English:  This manuscript atlas by Joan Martines, cosmographer to King Philip II of Spain, dated 1587, represents the combination of two cartographic schools that existed at the time of its creation. The older one was the traditional school of Majorca, which specialized in decorative portolan maps that by this time were obsolete with regard to the geographic information they conveyed. The newer one was the cartographic school of the Low Countries, which applied Renaissance principles and used different forms of cartographic representation based on new concepts in astronomy, mathematics, and geography to produce maps containing more information than the traditional portolans. The atlas consists of 19 maps, each on two pages, with the drawings occupying nearly the length of the pages and framed by edgings of different colors. Place-names are given in Gothic letters, in red and black ink, and in Roman small capitals. There are six nautical charts, 11 regional maps, and two maps of the world, all luxuriously illuminated in colored-wash drawing, with panes of gold and silver. Most of the maps have a large compass rose showing 16 or 32 directions, and some of the maps depict ships sailing the seas
Portolan atlas Joan Martines en Messina, añy 1582; facsimile, with introduction by Edward Luther Stevenson by Joan Martines( )

1 edition published in 1915 in English and held by 23 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

[Manuscript portolan atlas of the world] [cartographic material] : by Joan Martines( )

1 edition published in 2018 in English and held by 20 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Description: Chart of north-western Africa, southwestern Spain, and the Canary Islands, Chart of the coast of Africa between Mauritania and the Cape of Good Hope, Chart of the British Isles, western Europe, western Mediterranean Sea, and north-western Africa, Chart of the eastern Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. Verso of last chart includes annotation tracing previous ownership, including 1595 inscription signed "W.L. Burghly " noting that he was given the atlas by Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham and chief English admiral during the Spanish Armada of 1588. Inscription, apparently by Pierre Esprit Radisson, French explorer and fur trader in North America, noting that the atlas was given to him by Charles Bayley, first governor of Hudson's Bay. Inscription by "Morpin " noting that Radisson gave him the atlas in 1675 and note, also by Morpin, stating he returned the atlas to Radisson
Portolan atlas, Joan Martines en Messina añy 1582 by Joan Martines( Book )

4 editions published in 1915 in English and Spanish and held by 8 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

[Amèrica del Sud] by Joan Martines( )

3 editions published between 1587 and 1973 in Spanish and Italian and held by 4 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

[Àfrica] by Joan Martines( )

3 editions published in 1973 in Latin and Spanish and held by 4 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

[Map of the west coast of Mexico, the New Mexican area, the California peninsula, and Japan] by Joan Martines( )

3 editions published between 1956 and 1957 in Italian and held by 4 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Typus orbis terrarum by Joan Martines( )

4 editions published between 1587 and 1973 in Latin and held by 4 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

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