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Anderzon - Ayres - Argolo - Alvas
digitalcollections.nypl.org/ collections/the-luso-hispanic-new-world-in-early-prints-and-photographs#/?tab=navigation
youtube.com /watch?v=c5NUIQL_mSU&t=670s
eu preciso estudar mais, eu ajudei no Pelayo mas não sei nada, El Cid, e li e fiquei louca com a história de Viriato, achei uma imagem de Viriato e fiquei louca.Araújo Escudo de Armas dos Guerreiros Galaicos Castro no Alto Minho em provavel terem lutado contra Viriato e Sartório Romanos. Encontrato no Castro? não anotei em Portugal. retornei hoje e achei Castro de Eirado Correlhã Ponte de LIma
bro de 2021
Walking into Dujiangyan Zhongshuge is like traveling to a magical world thanks to its fascinating architectural style. Located in Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province, the bookstore dazzles visitors with its cathedral-like interior design, mirrored ceilings and gleaming black tiled floors which reflect the bookcases and extend the space by reflection, creating a visual effect that offers book lovers a serene reading space. The architectural design also incorporates several iconic elements of Dujiangyan – a city with a long history of water management practices. Visitors can see the elements of the dam integrated into the bookshelves in the bookstore. #ChinaSeen
face Loouk.com/ BeautifulDestinations/videos/1103117627492675/
Dujiangyan Zhongshuge is like traveling to a magical world thanks to its fascinating architectural style. Located in Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province, the bookstore Imagem do Pinterest! rs!
469 mil inscritos
youtube.com/ watch?v= 6rrSKAjcJwM
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"Muitas já estão com idade avançada e nos últimos degraus da escada que se percorre nesta vida para outra, e com seriços prestados, dinheiro e honroas, para merecer o caldeirão mais quente que exsite no inferno, e assim mesmo continuam a pregar suas caduquices e a sacrificar milhares de vidas por um capricho pessoas aou quando não, acompanhado por outra meia dúzia de loucos. Porque gente assim não pensa na realidade da vida, aproveitando os últimos dias que lhes restam, vivendo - os tranquilamente? Será que não sabem que um momento para outro, lhes pode fugir esta vida e então de que lhes adiantarão riquezas, horas, glórias? Irão apodrecer como o mais pobre dos mendigos."
Queres que a pessoa que deixas a morrer no deserto te ofereça rosas !!Arrependimento de ter feito algo por isso/Esforça-te por pessoas que não te farão perder./Todo o esforço que você faz, /não para as pessoas que ignoram /Porque; Desperdício de esforço em algo,/quão doloroso é perceber que você deu!
Evolução do Alfabeto imagem do reedit
"Guido D'AREZZO (990-1050) is the one whose unique mind makes musical notes.
He not only invents seven symbols to coordinate our hearing, but also creates a completely new alphabet of sounds.
D'arezzo is one of the greatest theorists of Medieval music.
He was born in Italy and educated at the Benedictine Monastery in Pompoz, near Ferrara.
During his studies, the monk realizes how difficult it is for singers to memorize liturgical hymns.
it comes up with a musical cue system, in which musicians tend to the
right tones. The notes are depicted on four parallel lines, each of
which matches a specific tone originally marked with a letter.
At that time it had a square appearance, but today there are already five parallel lines, and their shape is oval.
Guido's sequences were named with the first syllables of the first string of the hymn "Ut queant laxis:
“ut-re-mi-fa-sol-la..”. ‘Ut‘ was later changed to ’do‘ and a new note
named ’ti' was added. This system, known as solfege, is still used.
With the exception of the ’si' note, the name father of the other notes is Guido.)
The higher ones were marked in higher lines, and on each of the seven notes Guido gave a name:
ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si...
These were the first syllables of the anthem of St. John the Baptist:
UT queant laxis
REsonare fibris
MIra gestorum
FAmuli tuorum
Solve pollution
LAbii reatum
Sancte Ioannes.
when translated, they mean that:
Do-Dominus- (Lord)
Re - Rerum- (Item)
Miracle - (Miracle)
FA-Familias Planetarium- (seven planets, viz. Solar system)
Solis-Solis- ( Sun)
La Lactea Via- (Milky Way)
Si-Siderae (is Heaven.)
Whether God speaks to us through music or music speaks of God - great is the mystery of the divine origin of this art.
D'AREZZO says that he was 33 years old when he wrote the notes, and
initially musical signs were created to facilitate musicians performing
church music.
D'arezzo's notes are the language that helps us develop ourselves through music.
This is one of the best ways to communicate Decently between people.
A language that is constantly changing and evolving, but is as fascinating as it was thousands of years ago."
onde está https://archive.org/details/tesouro-da-nobreza-de-portugal-frei-manuel-de-santo-antonio-e-silva_202410/page/n71/mode/1up Anderzo...